Agriculture: Walnut Pest Management Guidelines

Pest Mites

When monitoring for spider mites also look for natural enemies. Names link to more information on identification and management.

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Spider mite adult
Spider mite (adult)
Identification tip: Spider mites range in color from yellow, to green, to black. During periods of active feeding twospotted mites and Pacific mites have dark spots. Often, however, the spots are barely visible or may coalesce to large dark areas, making it difficult to distinguish the two species.

Spider mite eggs
Spider mite (eggs)
Identification tip: Eggs are minute, round, and translucent, with color ranging from a light tan to light yellow. They are laid on leaf surfaces.

Damage caused by spider mites
Spider mite damage
Identification tip: Feeding by webspinning spider mites makes leaves appear "sanded" and worn.

Spider mite damage
Spider mite damage
Identification tip: Spider mite feeding causes the browning of walnut foliage.

Text Updated: 12/07