Ashy gray ladybeetle (larva)
Identification tip: Ashy gray ladybeetle
larva resembles a tiny alligator and has yellowish spots on its thorax and abdomen. |

Ashy gray ladybeetle (adult)
Identification tip: Thorax and wing covers are gray to pale yellowish
with black spots (a black form with 2 large red spots also occurs).

Brown lacewing (larva)
Identification tip: The larva resembles a tiny
alligator, flattened, tapered at the tail, and has distinct
legs and prominent mandibles with which it attacks its

lady beetle (larva)
Identification tip: Larva is elongate with long
legs, and resemble a tiny alligator.

ladybeetle (adult)
Identification tip: Adults have orange to
red forewings and up to 13 black spots. Many individuals
have fewer margin and two converging white lines.

Green lacewing (larva)
tip: Larva is pale with dark markings, looks like a tiny

Syrphid flies (larva)
Identification tip: The larva is legless and maggot
shaped. It can be distinguished from caterpillar larva by
its tapered head, lack of legs, and opaque skin.

Trioxys pallidus (walnut aphid parasite)
Identification tip: The female
wasp lays an egg inside an aphid nymph.

Aphid mummy
Identification tip: Look for exit hole in aphid mummy where adult parasite
(Trioxys pallidus) emerged.