Agriculture: Plum Pest Management Guidelines


Use these guidelines for a monitoring-based IPM program to effectively manage pests, while reducing the risks of pesticides on the environment and human health.

When a pesticide application is considered, review the Pesticide Application Checklist for information on how to minimize the risks of pesticide use to water and air quality. Water quality can be impaired when pesticides move off the farm. This movement can happen either at application with spray particles drifting directly into waterways or after spraying with excess irrigation or rainwater moving pesticides across the landscape and into waterways. Air quality can be impaired when pesticides containing active ingredients or formulation constituents that are volatile organic compounds (VOCs) release VOCs into the atmosphere. (For more information see Reducing Volatile Organic Compounds.)

This year-round IPM program covers the major pests of plum production in California. Details on carrying out each practice and information on additional pests can be found in the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Plum. Color photo identification sheets and examples of monitoring forms can be found online at the forms and identification page.

To be used with UC ANR Publication 3389, Integrated Pest Management for Stone Fruits.

Text Updated: 02/25