Integrated Pest Management · Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
2013 highlights: UC IPM annual report

Here are the highlights of the UC IPM program achievements and events for calendar year 2013.
The University of California Statewide IPM Program, part of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, was established in 1979 to develop and promote the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs.
(More about us…)
- Read the expanded version of our program's 2013 activities and accomplishments.
- Choose an individual article from the table of contents below.
- Download the printable version of the 2013 Highlights report .
About UC IPM
- Letter from the Director
- Cheryl Gould retires
- IPM program regroups at Second Street
- New staff in 2013
- Update from the Western IPM Center
UC IPM in Action
- Master Gardener training boosts IPM outreach
- Western workshops counter glyphosate resistance in weeds
- Technical service providers trained to develop IPM plans
- UC responds to blue alfalfa aphid outbreak
- Monitoring for bed bugs made easier
- New vole IPM program in artichokes
- Stop moving invasive pests in wood
- IPM tools help growers manage spotted wing drosophila
- Alfalfa IPM workshop
- Retail stores extend IPM
- UC IPM pesticide safety leads the way
- UC IPM extends IPM with agricultural and urban training
- UC IPM gets the word out through ANR blogs