2013 Highlights: UC IPM Annual Report

Cheryl Gould

Cheryl Gould.
(Photo by M. Poe.)

Cheryl Gould retires

Business Manager Cheryl Gould retired early in 2013 after 35 years with University of California that included 25 years with the UC IPM Program.

With her outstanding administrative skills and her understanding of UC IPM's goals and activities, she provided invaluable support to IPM staff headquartered in Davis and IPM advisors located throughout California as they developed and delivered IPM services to growers, residents, and other pest managers.

During her career she saw many changes in responsibility, including implementation of a new electronic accounting system, personnel and payroll systems, database support for UC IPM's competitive grants programs, and new staffing configurations within UC IPM, on the Davis campus, and at ANR.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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