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Annual Reports

1999UC IPM on the World Wide Web

Web Use Grows
    Most-accessed Pest Notes
    Most-accessed crop guidelines
    Total Web site accesses (September 1998-August 1999)
California Pesticide Use Data, 1996-1998
Funded Projects Database
Information Available from the UC IPM Web Site

Chart Showing Average Monthly Page Accesses

Web Use Grows

Use of the UC IPM Web site grew this year to 246,000 page accesses per month (during the primary growing season March through August), compared to 188,000 for the same period in 1998. For the 12 months from September 1998-August 1999, topping the list of most-read pages is again the snails and slugs Pest Note (35,195 accesses), followed by the pest management glossary with 17,685 accesses.

The site is rich with content, including UC's official guidelines for managing pests in California's major agricultural crops and in the home and landscape. Thousands of color photographs help users accurately identify pest problems. Temperatures, rainfall, and other weather data arrive daily from about 200 stations throughout California, and many other tools and resources to assist growers and researchers are available.

Most-accessed Pest Notes
Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Household Ants, Snails and Slugs, Spiders Around the Home, Termites, Voles (Meadow Mice)

Most-accessed crop guidelines
Apple, Citrus, Cucurbits, Grape, Strawberry, Tomato, Turfgrass

Total Web site accesses (September 1998-August 1999)

  • cotton forecasts: 8,980
  • crop guidelines: 539,352
  • degree-day reports: 22,140
  • Pest Notes: 182,227
  • plant and pest model descriptions: 58,765
  • weather reports: 21,763
  • weed photo gallery: 115,289

California Pesticide Use Data, 1996-1998

The UC IPM Pesticide Use Summaries database reports summaries of pesticides applied in California each year by county, month, commodity, and chemical. The 1996 summary is now available, and data for 1997 and 1998, recently released by Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), will be summarized and added in fall 1999.

DPR is releasing the data more quickly than in the past, and their improved quality control measures reduce the time required for UC IPM to process and summarize the data for publication on the Web. In the future, expect annual data to be published during the summer following the close of the year.

Funded Projects Database

Did you ever want to know what IPM research has been done on a specific crop or pest? Our Web site now includes a database with information on more than 450 projects funded by the UC IPM Project, Smith-Lever IPM Implementation, and IPM internship programs. You can locate projects related to your interests by conducting searches on combinations of host, pest, beneficial organism, year, and principal investigator. Objectives of each project are listed, and for projects since 1990, a summary of accomplishments is included. You can access the database from the UC IPM Funded Projects section of our Web site.

Information Available from the UC IPM Web site

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
All contents copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. FOR ALL OTHER USES or more information, read Legal Notices. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual solutions to specific pest problems. See our Home page, or in the U.S., contact your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance.

Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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