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How to Manage Pests

Interactive Tools and Models: Cotton Resources

These UC IPM-funded projects feature commercially implementable microcomputer programs for managing a cotton crop and its pests. They were designed to be used by growers, crop consultants, and farm advisors in California's San Joaquin Valley. Use caution in implementing these programs in other areas.

California Cotton Manager

Version 5.0 developed by D. Munier, T. Kerby, J. Young, R. Plant, P. Goodell, D. Munk, S. Wright, B. Roberts, R. Vargas, and B. Weir.

  • Interactive CCM on the Web (Java version designed and developed by Jeff Armstrong and D. Munier)
  • CCM for Microsoft Excel 5.0
  • CCM for HP palmtop computers running Lotus 123 is available; take your palmtop to a UC Cooperative Extension office in a California cotton-growing county.

Installing and Starting California Cotton Manager (CCM) for Excel

Important Note: This version of ccm.exe (5.0) is not compatible with the latest versions of Microsoft Excel. Ccm.exe is usable only with Excel 97 (Windows) or earlier. Check this page for future revisions to CCM.

  1. Determine location for downloading CCM. Start the Excel program from Windows. Select Tools from the Excel menu bar. Select Options from the Tools pull-down menu. An Options work sheet will be displayed, with tabs across the top. Select the General tab. Find "Default file location." The associated information box will contain a pathname, such as 'c:\my documents'. Write the name for use in Step 2. Exit Excel.
  2. Download CCM. From your browser, download ccm.exe to the directory and folder names you wrote down in Step 1. Exit from the browser.
  3. Run the program ccm.exe. How this is done will vary, depending on your system. The program expands/inflates 12 files into the directory.
  4. Start CCM. Return to Windows and restart Excel. Select Open from the File pull-down menu. Select the CCM directory. The file CACOTMGR should be listed. Select this file, click Open, and CCM will start. You will see a copyright notification and then the CCM main menu. Press the indicated letter of the desired program and wait a few seconds for the program to start.
P = Plant Monitoring N = Nematodes
F = Final Irrigation D = Spreadsheet
A = Pressure Bomb Adjust R = Replant
C = Sprayer Calibration H = Heat Units
E = Export to CottonPRO Q = QUIT

Note: The file ccmdoc.rft provides excellent explanations about how to use CCM and navigate within each module.

Cotton Plant Mapper (CPM) and CottonPro

Developed by R. E. Plant, T. Kerby, and L. G. Bernheim
Available from R. E. Plant's Web site - UC Davis Agronomy and Range Science

Important: Place the downloaded file into its own directory, then use a decompression program such as PKZIP (Windows), WINZIP (Windows), or ZipIt (Macintosh) to expand the files onto your hard disk.

Cotton Plant Mapper (CPM) is a convenient DOS program to facilitate final plant map data collection and summary. Two versions of the program are available: CPM.EXE and CPMHP.EXE for the HP95LX palmtop computer. CPM is intended primarily for field-based data collection using a palmtop computer. The program has been simplified considerably and many of its functions have been moved to CottonPro. The zip file includes documentation.

CottonPro - This desktop PC program is for in-season and final plant mapping and analysis (DOS and Windows 95). The Windows 95 version includes an extensive graphical display and Help system.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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