How to Manage Pests

Interactive Tools and Models: NEMABASE

The NEMABASE database gives fast, easy access to the host status of plants for plant-parasitic nematodes, and helps with crop rotation, cover cropping, and cultivar selection decisions for nematode management. You can search NEMABASE directly online.

Developed in the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology, NEMABASE contains extensive lists of cover crops, native plants, crop cultivars, and their host status for a wide range of nematodes. You can also search for plant species or cultivars that are resistant to certain nematodes. You'll find information on:

6,400 plant taxa, including higher taxonomic information, growth habit, and use of each plant species.
1,050 plant-parasitic nematode species, including details of their classification.
53,700 records of host status, susceptible or resistant, to each nematode for which information exists. The list is updated as new information becomes available.

This information has been extracted from over 2,500 articles published over the last century. We estimate that 90 percent of the available data on plant and nematode interactions has been gathered into the database.

Why was NEMABASE developed?

NEMABASE collates, interprets, and evaluates available information on the host status of plants to the plant-parasitic nematodes, and makes it available as a basis for management decisions. (More...)

The database:

  • allows selection of nonhost crops and resistant cultivars, for species and races of plant-parasitic nematodes;
  • allows selection of cover crops or rootstocks that are either nonhosts or resistant to resident plant-parasitic nematode populations; and
  • provides rapid search of the available knowledge base for novel species of crops or cover crops that warrant testing in a cropping system in relation to their effect on resident nematode populations.


NEMABASE is incorporated as a component of Nemaplex. The linkage allows users to access information on the biology, ecology, and management of nematodes, both pest and beneficial species.

World Wide Web version of NEMABASE

The database contents are on the UC Davis Department of Nematology Nemaplex server. Click "Enter Nemaplex" and then click on "NEMABASE." Enter your search criteria according to the instructions given there. Also from the Nemaplex main menu you can access many other aspects of nematodes and nematology.

Database design and field descriptions

NEMABASE is structured as a series of relational database tables with fields for the following features of nematodes and plants, and for their interaction:

Nematode Fields Genus, species, authority, race, common name, order, superfamily, family, sub-family.
Plant Fields Genus, species, authority, variety, cultivar, common name, growth habit, usage, native range, family.
Qualitative Interaction Fields Non-host, resistant/susceptible, tolerant/intolerant; temperature, location, soil texture.
References, Source Fields Author and citation.

Comments and queries? Contact Howard Ferris, UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology, at


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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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