Fair Oaks Horticulture Center, Sacramento. March 7, 2019. UCANR Master Gardener's 40th Anniversary Celebration. Pam Bone Interview; Stockton, CA

What We Do

The University of California Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) helps residents, growers, land managers, community leaders, and other professional pest managers prevent and solve pest problems with the least unintended impacts on people and their surroundings.

The program draws on expertise of University of California scientists to develop and distribute UC's best information on managing pests using safe and effective techniques and strategies that protect people and the environment. These techniques and strategies are the basis of integrated pest management, or IPM.

UC IPM works through Cooperative Extension to deliver information to clients in every California county. Web and printed publications provide a wealth of how-to information about identifying and managing pests, and the program also provides online training courses.

The Organization

UC IPM is a part of the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR). More than 30 UC IPM employees develop and deliver programs in agricultural, urban and community, and natural resources IPM.

See Organizational Chart (PDF)
Group of people in front of docked boats.

UC IPM's Mission

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Develop science-based pest management programs that are economically and environmentally sustainable, and socially appropriate
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Protect human health and the environment by reducing risks caused by pests and pest management practices
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Provide leadership in IPM including building coalitions and partnerships that link with communities and public agencies
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Increase the predictability and effectiveness of pest management techniques
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Increase utilization of ecologically based integrated pest management programs

UC IPM's Impact

Hands-on training of UC Master Gardeners prepares them to answer more than 28,000 home and garden pest questions per year.
European grapevine moth in California was declared eradicated in 2016 thanks to collaboratively applied IPM practices.
The UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines were first available by computer in 1987. Now the 47 Pest Management Guidelines get about 1 million online pageviews each year.