Pest identification

California PCA Exam Helper

UC IPM Advisor Phil Phillips using hand lens to monitor grape leaf for mites.

For several of the PCA state licensing exams you will be required to identify specific pest and beneficial organisms or damage symptoms, and understand information about their biology and management.

The Web pages below provide links to color photos and information about the various organisms on the exams. Many of these organisms occur in a variety of crops and settings. These links will direct you to those situations in which they are most common.

You will be required to be able to:

  • identify these organisms
  • describe their basic biology
  • describe situations in which they are pests or beneficial
  • provide information on how to control them

Generally you will not be required to know specific pesticides used for their control because this information can go out of date rapidly. However, you may be required to know the broad classes of control materials in the knowledge expectations.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

Accessibility   /PCA/pestid.html?srcPage=PCA%2Fpestid.html revised: September 28, 2018. Contact webmaster.