Study materialsCalifornia PCA Exam Helper
Specific study guides have been written or recommended for each of the licensing categories. In addition, the general IPM study guide for PCAs, IPM in Practice: Principles and Methods of Integrated Pest Management, contains material relevant to exams in all areas. All of the information required to comprehend the knowledge expectations and pass the exams is contained within the recommended study guides and IPM in Practice. Many of these study guides are comprehensive textbooks that contain much more information than you will be required to know. Use the knowledge expectations to determine the information in the study guides that you need to focus on. Don't forget that you will also be tested on laws and regulations; there are no knowledge expectations for laws and regulations at this time. You will need to review the entire laws and regulations study guide. To study for the IPM section of that exam, use the IPM knowledge expectations and the IPM in Practice book.
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