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2000UC IPM on the World Wide Web

Information Available from the UC IPM Web Site
Search the UC IPM Web Site
Weather Data
Top-read Pages on the UC IPM Web Site
Specialized Programs Delivered
Dormant Organophosphate Spray Alternative Cost Calculator

Information Available from the UC IPM Web Site

Search the UC IPM Web Site

The UC IPM Web site is now fully indexed using the AltaVista search engine for intranets. Use the search button found at the bottom of most pages to search for a specific pest or crop, or any keyword or phrase. Examples listed on the search page guide users to enter keywords that will be the most successful in finding the information they're looking for.

Weather Data

Looking for weather data from your part of California? The Web site lists at-a-glance daily summaries for the PestCast research networks (San Joaquin, Fresno, Lake County, Tomato), plus the active CIMIS and TouchTone stations by county. While data for all of the stations can be retrieved for any period of time, this summary gives a quick view of what happened on a particular day. Available from Weather Data on the home page.

Top-read Pages on the UC IPM Web Site

The snails and slugs Pest Note, last year's most-accessed page, once again tops the list of Pest Notes accessed by UC IPM Web site visitors, with more than 89,000 copies delivered (compared to 35,000 last year). The MSN Encarta online encyclopedia lists the page as the Best Web Site for snails, and many of the readers are referred by Encarta and other seach engines.

Overall site usage increased to more than 280,000 requests per month for the twelve months from September 1999 through August 2000, and 342,000 requests per month during the growing season months of March through August 2000.

Most-accessed crop guidelines:

  • Citrus: 59,096
  • Tomato: 50,213
  • Turf: 49,652
  • Grape: 43,140
  • Cucurbits: 35,317
Most-accessed Pest Notes:
  • Snails and Slugs: 89,304
  • Brown Recluse: 18,664
  • Yellowjackets: 16,985
  • Spiders: 10,165
  • Bee and Wasp Stings: 9,964

Weather data: 38,244 reports

Degree-days: 21,755 reports

Weather averages: 36,499 files retrieved

Weed Photo Gallery: 203,037 accesses

Pest Management Guidelines: 760,000 accesses

Pest Notes: 370,000 accesses

Chart of average monthly page accesses
Chart of yearly page accesses'

Specialized Programs Delivered

In 1999-2000 UC IPM sponsored computer resources tailored for particular pest management programs:

  • Cotton planting forecasts for San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys, supplied in March and April, help growers know when conditions will be good for planting so that they can avoid seedling diseases and get a good stand. (7,810 accesses)
  • Display of daily temperatures at sunset statewide gave users information required by the codling moth degree-day model. (4,089 accesses)
  • The dormant spray alternatives calculator helps growers determine costs of alternatives to dormant OP sprays. (1,263 accesses)
  • The 2000 Processing Tomato Weather Network (19 stations in the southern Sacramento and northern San Joaquin valleys) posted data and disease severity calculations for black mold.

Dormant Organophosphate Spray Alternative Cost Calculator

A calculator available through the UC IPM Web site since winter 2000 estimates the costs of using organophosphate (OP) dormant sprays and selected alternative practices in several orchard crops. When compared to conventional OP dormant sprays, the alternatives listed in the calculator offer favorable levels of pest control within comparable ranges of cost, while reducing risk of aquatic toxicity. Growers can personalize the results by entering their own expected costs of monitoring, labor, and materials. The calculator is based on work sponsored in part by the CALFED Bay-Delta Program and the California State Water Resources Control Board.


Additional weeds have been added to the Weed Photo Gallery, available from the home page. To help you identify specific weeds, each Gallery page shows several life stages for a particular weed and a narrative description, particularly key characteristics. The new entries bring the total number of weed species in the Gallery to 125. The Gallery is indexed by common name, scientific name, and weed family.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
All contents copyright © 2014 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. FOR ALL OTHER USES or more information, read Legal Notices. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual solutions to specific pest problems. See our Home page, or in the U.S., contact your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance.

Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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