St. Augustinegrass, along with
bermudagrass and zoysiagrass, is a warm-season turfgrass. In areas
where it is well adapted, it is water efficient and has few pest problems.
St. Augustinegrass is used in the most moderate California climate
zones, along the Southern California coast or in coastal valleys.
It prefers full sun, but has a high tolerance for shade. It grows
quickly during the summer months, but slows down during the spring
and fall and enters a dormancy period in the late autumn and during
the winter months. Because St. Augustinegrass is not wear tolerant,
it is used for lawns and general purpose turf, but not for high traffic
sports turf.
A broad-bladed, medium-green grass. Leaves
are folded in the bud, there are no auricles, the ligule is a fringe
of hairs, and the leaf blades are wide with a boat-shaped tip. The
leaf sheath is flattened and the collar narrows to form a short stalk
or petiole for the leaf blade. St. Augustinegrass has a creeping growth
habit and is propagated by stolons that form shoots at every node.
It forms a dense prostrate turf that is virtually weed free.
Moderate maintenance. St. Augustinegrass
requires a high amount of nitrogen per year. It has a high tolerance for
shade and heat but a poor tolerance for cold temperatures. It is drought
and salt tolerant. Thatch is a severe problem. If not regularly dethatched,
St. Augustinegrass can be difficult to mow. |