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How to Manage Pests

The UC Guide to Healthy Lawns

Turf adaptations and tolerances—somewhat adapted to summer heat

Turf species somewhat adapted to summer heat
Turf species Tolerance Temperature adaptation Planting method
Cold Drought Shade Salinity Wear/Traffic
Dichondra Low Low Moderate Low Low Warm-season Seed, plugs
Turf species well adapted to summer heat
Turf species Tolerance Temperature adaptation Planting method
Cold Drought Shade Salinity Wear/Traffic
Bermudagrass Low High Low High High Warm-season Seed, sod, stolons, sprigs, plugs
Buffalograss Moderate High Low Low Low Warm-season Seed, sod, plugs
Kikuyugrass Low High Moderate Moderate High Warm-season Sod, stolons
Seashore paspalum Low Moderate Moderate High Moderate Warm-season Sod, stolons
St. Augustinegrass Low Moderate High High Moderate Warm-season Sod, stolons
Tall fescue* Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate-high Cool-season Seed, sod
Zoysiagrass Low - moderate High Moderate-high Moderate High Warm-season Sprigs, sod
*Tall fescue has moderate to high tolerance for heat.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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