Home & Garden > Lawn
Guide > Turf Species >Perennial ryegrass > Management
How to Manage Pests
UC Guide to Healthy Lawns
Planting and management tips for perennial ryegrass
- Mow at 1.5 - 2.5 inches.
- If used to overseed warm-season grasses, gradually reduce the height
of the ryegrass in the spring by mowing it more closely and more often
to encourage growth of warm-season grasses as they come out of dormancy.
- Fertilize using 4 lbs. nitrogen/1000 sq. ft. per year during the period
of active growth (February - June; October - December).
- Seed in the fall or use sod.
- Seed at 6 - 9 lbs. seed/1000 sq. ft.
- Ryegrass seed germinates quickly: 3 - 5 days in moderate temperatures.
- A rapid turf cover is established within 4 - 8 weeks.
- Water frequently.
- Water to a depth of 6 - 12 inches.
- If used to overseed warm-season grasses, water deeply and less often
in the spring to encourage the growth of warm-season grasses coming out
of dormancy.
Special problems
- May suppress germination and seedling growth of other grasses in the
mixture (allelopathy)
- Drought sensitive
- If seeded alone, becomes "stemy" after a couple of years
- Can become weedy when used to overseed warm-season grasses
For more information, see the following sections: