| Qualities
Perennial ryegrass is a very
competitive cool-season grass, best adapted to coastal regions that
have moderate temperatures throughout the year. It prefers full sun
but will tolerate partial shade. Perennial ryegrass has the highest
wear-tolerance of any cool-season grass and can tolerate high traffic.
It is often used around homes, schools, and parks. Because it germinates
quickly, it is often used for overseeding winter-dormant bermudagrass
lawns. Its rapid emergence helps to suppress weeds. For a more traffic
and disease-resistant turf, it is often mixed with Kentucky bluegrass.
A fine-textured, rich green grass with the
leaf folded in the bud. Leaf margins are parallel, the back of the leaf
is shiny, and the tips of the leaf blades are tapered. The collar usually
has outgrowths (auricles) that clasp the stem. Ryegrass may form clumps
where marginally adapted. There are no rhizomes or stolons. Perennial ryegrass
has a bunchgrass-type growth habit.
Moderate to high maintenance. It has
a moderately low tolerance for heat, shade, and drought and a high tolerance
for cold temperatures. |