IPM Home > Antkey > Red
Imported Fire Ant > Mounds
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Key to Identifying Common Household Ants
Red imported fire ant

Photo by John Kabashima

In areas that are not disturbed, red imported fire ants typically
make dome-shaped mounds that are about 18 inches across and
about 8 to 12 inches tall. Red imported fire ants tend to build
nests in open, sunlit, grassy areas that are typically irrigated.
Because red imported fire ants often build their nests in turfgrass
areas in California, frequently the mounds have been mowed
and are nearly flat, appearing as soft, loose dirt that obscures
the grass and looks like a bald spot in the turf. In some instances
red imported fire ants do not build mounds but nest in places
such as rotten logs, walls of buildings, or under sidewalks. |