IPM Home > Antkey > Red
Imported Fire Ant
How to Manage Pests
Key to Identifying Common Household Ants
Red imported fire antSolenopsis invicta
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Identifying characteristics
- Feed on living insects, dead
animals, and honeydew from honeydew-producing insects
- In homes, forage on sweet foods, proteins, and fats
- Extremely aggressive; if disturbed, will swarm out of
nests and attack in large numbers; can inflict a very painful
- Travel in distinct trails along foundations, sidewalks,
patios, up sides of buildings, along baseboards, and under
edges of carpets
- Colonies may split and move to new locations
Nest type and size
- Nest in mounds with multiple
openings in soil or lawns, usually in open sunny areas
near a water source
- If undisturbed, mounds may reach up to 18 inches high
and 24 inches wide; they become dome-shaped after 2-3 years
- Nests sometimes found in buildings, wall voids, crawl
spaces, or under carpets
- Large colonies of up to 500,000
workers with multiple queens
See also, red imported fire ant quick management
For more information, see the Red
Imported Fire Ant Pest Note