Use baits to manage satellite colonies
of carpenter ants. |
Managing carpenter ants with
- Boric acid baits that have a low concentration (less
than 1%) of the active ingredient and are formulated in
a sweet liquid are slow acting and non-repellent.
- First attract ants to a nontoxic food like a sugar-milk
solution or sliced crickets.
- Once ants feed from this food source, replace with several
different toxic baits that are labeled for carpenter ant
control and let them choose.
- Place baits outdoors; indoor baiting may attract more
ants into the home.
- Place baits in protected locations inaccessible to children
and pets.
How baits work
- Worker ants will be attracted to the bait and take it
back to the nest where the entire colony, including queens,
may be killed.
- Bait must be slow-acting so workers won't be killed
before they get back to the nest.
- Results may not be evident for several weeks.
- Killing workers does little to control the colony, because
as few as 1% of a colony's foraging worker ants are able
to provide sufficient food to support nestbound queens
and larvae.
- Bait stations or ant stakes are easiest to use and safest
for the environment.