IPM Home > Antkey > Carpenter
How to Manage Pests
Key to Identifying Common Household Ants
Carpenter antCamponotus spp.
Subfamily: Formicinae
Identifying characteristics
- Feed on dead and living insects,
aphid and scale honeydew, and juices of ripe fruit; prefer
- Do not feed on wood
- Travel in loose trails
- Forage mostly late in the day or at night
- Prefer moist or humid environments
- Piles of sawdust-like frass
and insect parts deposited outside or nearby nests
- Bore into wood to make nests, sometimes causing serious
structural damage
Nest type and size
- Main colony often outside on tree stumps, dead tree,
firewood pile, or fence post
- Consist of extensive networks of galleries usually begun
in areas of wood, soft from decay
- May contain several thousand individuals; indoor nests
may be satellite colonies of
a larger nest outdoors
- Up to 20 satellite colonies can be associated with main
colony that contains the queen(s)
- Indoor colonies always associated with moisture and
may occur in hollow doors, window or door frames, or the
See also, carpenter ant quick management
For more information, see the Carpenter
Ants Pest Note.