UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Quick Tips > Cockroaches
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes: Quick Tips

 German cockroach adult (top) and nymph.
 Various life stages in oriental cockroach colony.
Dead cockroaches caught on a sticky trap.
Cockroaches thrive in both indoor and outdoor environments where they can find food, water, and shelter. During the day, roaches hide in warm, dark, moist areas like cracks, water meter boxes, sewers, and crawl spaces. They come out at night to feed. Good sanitation and exclusion are important for effective control; pesticides alone will not solve cockroach problems. When using insecticides, baits provide better control than sprays.
Identify the cockroach species before taking action.
- Effective management options vary according to species.
- Cockroach sticky traps are useful in catching roaches for identification.
- Certain cockroaches live outdoors but can temporarily invade indoor spaces (American, Oriental, and Turkestan); others live and breed entirely indoors (German and brownbanded).
Remove food and water sources for cockroaches.
- Store food in tightly sealed containers.
- Keep trash in containers with tight fitting lids.
- Fix plumbing and irrigation leaks to reduce sources of water.
- Regularly vacuum indoor cracks and crevices, clean behind kitchen appliances, and clean floors and counters, since even tiny crumbs or liquids can attract cockroaches.
Exclude roaches and remove their hiding places.
- Seal cracks and other openings to prevent cockroaches from coming indoors.
- Use door sweeps and weather stripping around doors and windows to block ways for cockroaches to enter.
- Limit hiding places in hollow walls, within cupboards and other indoor areas, and outdoor vegetation.
- Remove piles of papers, cardboard boxes, and other clutter, especially in kitchens and bathrooms.
Use traps to monitor cockroach populations.
- Place cockroach sticky traps on the floor around edges of walls, in cupboards, under appliances, and other places where roaches could be feeding.
- Place traps near exterior doors to catch invading outdoor species.
- Check traps daily until you can tell where the most cockroaches are being caught.
What about pesticides?
- Avoid using foggers, bombs, or aerosol sprays; these products can be hazardous and may repel and disperse cockroaches to other areas without actually killing them.
- Insecticide sprays do not provide long-term control. Focus on limiting sources of food, water, and shelter and preventing cockroaches from coming indoors.
- Boric acid powders and desiccant dusts may be applied within hollow walls, under refrigerators, and other undisturbed hiding places. This approach is very effective if the material remains dry and undisturbed but may require a pest control professional.
- Insecticide gels and bait stations placed near cockroach hiding areas can also be effective if sources of food and water are removed. It may take 7 days or longer before you see fewer cockroaches.
- Control outdoor cockroaches by placing baits in water meter boxes, drains, or under concrete slabs.
- Contact a licensed pest control professional for serious infestations.
Minimize the use of pesticides that pollute our waterways. Use nonchemical alternatives or less toxic pesticide products whenever possible. Read product labels carefully and follow instructions on proper use, storage, and disposal.