Life cycle of Erynniopsis antennata, a tachinid fly parasite of elm leaf beetle, Xanthogaleruca luteola. Spring/Early Summer The parasite A: Overwinters as young larvae inside adult beetles. B: Completes development and emerges from adult beetles in spring. C: Adult female lays one egg on multiple beetle larvae. Hatching larvae enter and feed inside the host. D: Beetle larvae parasitized during spring to early summer are killed and develop into parasite pupae at the tree base. Summer/Overwinter E: Later-season parasite larvae become inactive and overwinter (diapause) inside beetle pupae. A: Emerging beetles overwinter as adults. B: In spring parasites mature, kill the beetle, and emerge as adult flies. Credit: UC IPM. Beetle adult and larva from Anonymous. 1960. The elm leaf beetle. USDA Leaflet 184. Parasite adult and pupa by Silvestri F. 1910. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi e dei loro simbionti. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoolo_ia Generale e Agraria (Portici) 4:246� 288. Beetle pupa from Herrick GW. 1913. Control of two elm-tree pests. Cornell Univ. Agric. Exper. Sta. Bull. 333. Ithaca; NY.