Root knot nematode life cycle and stages. Root knot nematodes spend most of their active life cycle in galls on roots. Second-stage juveniles invade new sites, usually near root tips, causing root cells to grow into giant cells where the nematodes feed. As feeding continues, the plant produces a gall around the infected area. Mature females produce eggs in a small gelatinous mass on the root surface (as shown) or inside the root.
Root knot nematode life cycle and stages. Root knot nematodes spend most of their active life cycle in galls on roots. Second-stage juveniles invade new sites, usually near root tips, causing root cells to grow into giant cells where the nematodes feed. As feeding continues, the plant produces a gall around the infected area. Mature females produce eggs in a small gelatinous mass on the root surface (as shown) or inside the root.
Credit: Adapted from an illustration by Marvin Ehrlich.