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Life cycle and stages of a brown lacewing (Hemerobiidae). The hatching larva develops through three, increasingly larger instars. At maturity the last instar forms a cocoon and enclosed in thin silk becomes inactive (a prepupa), then pupates and emerges as an adult. After mating, the adult female seeks foliage infested with prey and lays eggs singly.
Credit: Flegel JG. in Lydekker R. 1879. Invertebrate Animals. Royal Nat. Hist. Vol. 6; adult body. https://archive.org/details/royalnaturalhist06lyderich. Wing by Nakahara W. 1960. Systematic Studies on the Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera). Mushi 34(1):30. http://lacewing.tamu.edu/neuropterida/neur_bibliography/edoc12/nakahara1960ref1031s-6137.pdf. Larva and egg by Withycombe CL. 1923. Notes on the Biology of Some British Neuroptera (Planipennia). Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1922:501�594. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2311.1923.tb02844.x. Prepupa and pupa by Monserrat VJ. 2015. Los Hemer bidos de la Pen nsula Ib rica y Baleares (Insecta; Neuropterida; Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae). Graellsia 71(2):e026. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Victor_Monserrat/publication/283175869.