How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Frost damage

Late spring frost can blacken and kill shoots, budding leaves, and flowers. Early fall frost may damage shoots and kernels, which darken and become rancid more rapidly. The terminal growth, particularly of young trees, may be killed during winter freezes. In the spring, new shoots grow profusely below the dieback.


Adequate moisture in fall and winter will lessen the impact of freezes. In a drought year, a winter irrigation may be necessary. Firm soils that have recently been irrigated warm up readily during the day and radiate heat easily at night. Keeping a groundcover mowed low may also help prevent frost damage. Some varieties are more susceptible to frost damage than others.

Frost damage to leaves
Frost damage to leaves

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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