IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes,
and Turf > Flowers > Iris
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Iris, Dutch iris, Bulbous and Rhizomatous iris—Iris
Family Iridaceae* (Iris family)
Plant Identification
Irises are perennial plants that grow from bulbs
and rhizomes. There
are more than 200 species of irises. Leaves are tall and
grasslike. Flowers consist of 3 inner petals and 3 outer
petals and vary in color including white, purple, pink, blue, orange,
and yellow. Plants bloom primarily in spring or early summer.
*Some species are invasive
weeds. Other species
may be better choices when planting.
Optimum conditions for growth
Irises survive under a wide variety of conditions
according to species. They may do well in full sun or full
or partial shade. Most species require regular water during
the growth and bloom period. Plant in well-drained soil. Divide
in late summer when crowded.

White iris blossoms
Pests and disorders of Iris spp.
Environmental disorders