UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Flowers > Environmental
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Nutrient disorders
Deficient or excess minerals or nutrients cause foliage to discolor, fade, distort, or become spotted, sometimes in a characteristic pattern that can be recognized to identify the cause. Fewer leaves or flowers may be produced, and these may develop later than normal and remain undersized. More severe deficiency or toxicity can cause plant stunting or dieback.
Nutrient requirements
and tolerance vary by plant, stage of growth, and environmental
conditions. Soil tests can help identify nutrient-deficient
or toxic soils, and adding nutrients to the soil in the form
of fertilizer can solve some problems. However, many nutrient
deficiencies occur despite adequate amounts of nutrients
in the soil because soil conditions make it difficult for
the plant to take up nutrients. Nutrient availability is
highly influenced by type of soil, pH, salinity, and overwatering
or underwatering. Excess concentrations of one nutrient
can reduce the availability of other nutrients. Avoid nutrient
disorders by preventing root disease development, providing
good drainage, and using good practices during fertilization
and irrigation. When correcting problems, also check pH and
salinity levels as well. |

Nutritional disorder in snapdragon |