Look for these diseases when monitoring
fields for spider mites. Flag locations with problems so you
can follow up with more monitoring or control action. Names link
to more information on identification and management.
Click on photos to enlarge

Angular leaf spot lesions
Identification tip: Watersoaked lesions on underside
of leaf, delimited by leaf veins; dark, viscous fluid on
surface of lesions.

Angular leaf spot coalesced lesions
Identification tip: Reddish brown spots and patches on upper leaf surface.

Anthracnose runner lesions
Identification tip: Sunken, dark brown lesions on
stems, runners, leaf petioles.

Anthracnose damage to
young fruit
Identification tip: Brown, dead flower parts
and young fruit.

Anthracnose damage
Identification tip: Wilted, collapsed plants.

Anthracnose crown discoloration
Identification tip: Red-brown discoloration in crown tissue of wilted

Common leaf spot lesions
tip: Leaf spots with light brown centers and
dark brown margins.

Common leaf spot coalesced lesions
Identification tip: Multiple leaf spots
converge into dark patches; leaves may be killed.

Leaf blotch lesion
Identification tip: Tan or light brown patches at leaf margins;
numerous dark brown dots in the discolored areas.

Phytopthora crown rot damage
tip: Wilted, dying plants.

Phytophthora crown rot
Identification tip: Brown discoloration of crown

Red stele root rot
tip: Roots rotted back from tip; reddish brown
discoloration of central conducting tissue above rotted portion.

Verticillium wilt damaged
Identification tip: Wilting and browning of
outer, older leaves; younger leaves remain green.

Verticillium wilt crown discoloration
Identification tip: Brown discoloration
of vascular tissue in the crown MAY be present.

Verticillium wilt vascular browning
Identification tip: Brown discoloration
of vascular tissue may extend into the stems.