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Other Pests You May See—Fruit Development

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Caterpillars and Katydids
Fall webworm larvae feeding inside a silken tent that they enlarge as they consume foliage.
Fall webworm

(not usually damaging)
Identification tip: Caterpillars feed inside silken tents, enlarging the tents to cover more food as available food is consumed.
Redhumped caterpillar damage.
Redhumped caterpillar

(not usually damaging)
Identification tip: Caterpillars are yellow with black spots and the fourth abdominal segment is enlarged into a red hump.
Larva of forest tent caterpillar.
Tent caterpillars

(not usually damaging)
Identification tip: Caterpillars form mats or tents of webbing but feed outside the tent on leaves.
Obliquebanded leafroller larva.
Obliquebanded leafroller

Identification tip:
Larvae are yellow-green caterpillars. When disturbed, they wiggle backwards and drop to the ground on a silken thread.
Orange tortrix larva.
Orange tortrix

Identification tip: Orange tortrix larvae are light-green caterpillars with brown heads. When disturbed, the larvae wiggle backwards and drop to the ground on a silken thread.

Identification tip: Katydids resemble grasshoppers but have long antennae.
Tree Borers
Rough, broken bark caused by Pacific flatheaded borer larvae.
Pacific flatheaded borer

Identification tip: Rough, broken bark on a young tree can signify that a larva is feeding under the bark.
American plum borer larvae boring in scaffold crotches of young trees.
American plum borer

Identification tip: Extensive gumming around scaffold crotches, at pruning wounds, or in crown galls can indicate the presence of this borer.
Shothole borer adult emergence holes.
Shothole borer

Identification tip: Tiny, circular holes about 1/16 inch in diameter are created when adults emerge from the tree.
Pale, sparse foliage on tree with Phytophthora crown rot.
Phytophthora root and crown rot

Identification tip: Sparse, pale foliage can indicate Phytophthora. Cankers can be found in the bark at the crown area.
Tree damaged by bacterial canker.
Bacterial canker

Identification tip: A dead branch can signify bacterial canker. Look for substantial gumming on the bark surface.
Pale foliage on one side of young cherry tree infected with Armillaria.
Armillaria root rot

Identification tip: Leaves often turn pale and wilt, usually on one side of the tree. White fungus can be seen if the bark is peeled from the trunk where it meets the soil.
Bird damage
Identification tip: Look for pecked fruit.
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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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