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Mealy plum aphid SKIP navigation



Identifying Aphids—Fruit Development

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Mealy plum aphid Leaf curl plum aphid

Winged adults
Winged adult mealy plum aphid and nymph.

Identification tip: The pale green adult has a dark thorax and transverse bands on its abdomen.

Winged adults
Winged adult leaf curl plum aphid.

Identification tip: The green aphid has a dark head and thorax with dark markings on its abdomen.
Wingless adults
Mealy plum aphid adult.
Identification tip:
Adults are pale green with a white coating of wax.
Wingless adults
Leaf curl plum aphid adult with wing pads.
Identification tip: Adults are yellow-green, green, or yellow-brown and shiny.
Mealy plum aphid colony.
Identification tip: Colonies appear to be dusted with wax.
Leaf curl plum aphids, Brachycaudus helichrysi.
Identification tip:
Colonies lack a waxy coating.
Leaf curling
Plum leaves damaged by leaf curl plum aphid infestation.
Identification tip:
Leaves are slightly curled and stunted.
Leaf curling
Curling and distortion of foliage caused by leaf curl plum aphids.
Identification tip: Leaves are tightly curled.
Parasitized mealy plum aphid.
Identification tip:
Aphids that have been parasitized by wasps become swollen and tan colored (mummified). Below this mealy plum aphid mummy is the wasp pupa that parasitized it.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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