
Sporadic or minor pests and disorders: Fruiting

  • Darkling beetles
  • False chinch bugs
  • Webspinning spider mites
Diseases and abiotic disorders
  • Botrytis blossom and shoot blight
  • Epicarp staining (due to rain)
Click on photos to enlarge. Names link to more information on identification and management.
Darkling beetle adult.

Darkling beetle adult

Identification tip: The adult is dull bluish black or brown, and about 1/4 inch long. The tips of the antennae are often enlarged, distinguishing them from predaceous ground beetles, which are beneficial.

Adult false chinch bug.

False chinch bug adult

Identification tip: The adult is small, about 1/8 inch long, gray to light brown, and looks somewhat like a small lygus bug.

Adult Pacific spider mite, Tetranychus pacificus.

Webspinning spider mite adult

Identification tip: To the naked eye, spider mites appear as tiny moving dots. They live in colonies, mostly on the lower surfaces of leaves. During the season mites range from yellow to green to black depending on age and host food. All have dark spots. Spider mites can be problematic particularly where soils are alkaline.

Diseases and abiotic disorders
Botrytis shoot blight causes a wilting of young foliage on new shoots.

Botrytis blossom and shoot blight damage

Identification tip: Dead leaves remain attached to shoots killed by Botrytis. Rains in May and June can lead to blight during fruit development.

Photo not available

Epicarp staining (caused by rain)

Identification tip: When rain occurs early in the fruiting season, it can cause staining of the epicarp similar to that of stink bugs, leaffooted bugs, and small plant bugs.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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