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Leafhopper Natural Enemies

On this page
  • Parasitic wasp, Anagrus spp.
  • Convergent lady beetle
  • Minute pirate bugs
  • Green lacewing
  • Predaceous mite, Anystis agilis
  • Agrarian sac spider
  • Funnel weaver spider
  • Diurnal cobweb weaver

When sampling for leafhoppers examine leaves with a hand lens for the presence of parasitized eggs. Look for predators, too. Names link to more information on identification and biology.

Click on photos to enlarge
Parasitic wasp, Anagrus spp.: Look for parasitization in grape leafhopper eggs.

Grape leafhopper egg inserted into leaf tissue.
Nonparasitized grape leafhopper egg inserted into leaf tissue appears translucent-white.


Adult female wasp, Anagrus epos.
Adult female wasp, Anagrus spp., is a parasite of leafhopper eggs.

Parasitized grape leafhopper egg
Parasitized grape leafhopper egg. Eggs parasitized by Anagrus spp. turn red.

Anagrus epos emerges from an egg
Anagrus spp. emerges from an egg (right—see emergence hole); nonparasitized egg (left).
More leafhopper natural enemies

Convergent lady beetle larva
Convergent lady beetle (larva)
Identification tip: Larvae are elongate with long legs, and resemble tiny alligators.

Convergent lady beetle adult
Convergent lady beetle (adult)
Identification tip: Adults have orange to red forewings and black spots (or no spots). The black thorax has two converging white lines and a white margin.

Minute pirate bug
Minute pirate bugs
Identification tip: Adults are small, about 1/12 to 1/5 inch long, oval, black, or purplish with white markings, and have a triangular head.

Green lacewing larva
Green lacewing (larva)
Identification tip: The larva is pale with dark markings and looks like a tiny alligator.

A predaceous mite
A predaceous mite
Identification tip: Anystis agilis is an orange mite with hairs.


Agrarian sac spider
Agrarian sac spider
Identification tip: This spider has a pale, yellow to greenish body with a dark-brown to black carapace and dark legs (most common spider in San Joaquin Valley vineyards).

Agrarian sac spider
Here it wraps up a variegated leafhopper.

Funnel weaver spider
Funnel weaver spider
Identification tip: This spider has a dark-gray band on each side of its abdomen.

Diurnal cobweb weaver
Diurnal cobweb weaver (comb-footed spider)
Identification tip: Look for this spider on the underside of leaves waiting for prey, such as leafhoppers.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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