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on identification and management.
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Invertebrates |
Green fruitworm damage
Identification tip: Larvae chew deep
holes in fruit; damaged fruit is often deeply
scarred and distorted at harvest. |
Obliquebanded leafroller
Identification tip: Larvae are yellowish green with
brown to black heads; their feeding causes deep depressions
in fruit. |
Fruittree leafroller damage
Identification tip: Feeding by fruittree leafroller
causes shallow, superficial scarring on fruit. |
San Jose scale
Identification tip: Red halos develop around San Jose
scale that locate on fruit surfaces. |
European earwig damage
Identification tip: Feeding causes shallow, irregular
holes. |
Spotted wing drosophila damage
Identification tip: When females lay eggs in ripening
fruit, the oviposition site forms a small depression. Damage
can create entry sites for fungal or bacterial infections. |
Diseases |
X-disease (cherry buckskin)
Identification tip: X-disease causes fruit to be
smaller, paler, and more pointy (shown on right) than
healthy fruit (left). The fruit stems of affected fruits
are shorter and stiffer, causing the cherries to hang differently
than the healthy fruit. |
Powdery mildew damage
Identification tip: Powdery mildew appears as
white, weblike growth on leaves and fruit. |
No photo available.
Ripe fruit rot (Botrytis)
Identification tip: Look for fruit with brown
decay that is covered with a growth of light brown
or grey spores; fruit may be soft and watery. |
damage |
Bird damage
tip: Fruit damaged by birds is partially devoured. |
Rain damage
Identification tip: Rain causes fruit to swell and
split. |