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Virus and Viruslike Foliar Disorders

On this page
  • Cherry crinkle leaf
  • Cherry mottle leaf
  • Cherry necrotic rusty mottle
  • Cherry rasp leaf
  • Cherry rugose mosaic
  • Cherry stem pitting
  • Prunus stem pitting
  • Yellow bud mosaic
  • Prune dwarf

Use the photos below to identify damage. Names link to more on identification and management.

Click on photos to enlarge

Leaves have irregular, deeply indented margins and are distorted. Distorted areas are often light green or mottled.
Cherry crinkle leaf (Genetic disorder)
Identification tip: Leaves have irregular, deeply indented margins and are distorted. Distorted areas are often light green or mottled.

Cherry mottle leaf symptoms
Cherry mottle leaf (Virus)
Identification tip: Leaves are distorted and have diffuse yellow mottling.

Cherry necrotic rusty mottle
Cherry necrotic rusty mottle (Unknown)
Identification tip: Brown patches develop on leaves. Shortly before harvest leaves develop  a yellow and dark green mottle.

Cherry rasp leaf (virus)
Cherry rasp leaf (Virus)
Identification tip: Growths of leaf tissues (enations) develop from mid-vein on underside of leaf. Affected leaves may be distorted but are not mottled.

Cherry rugose mosaic virus
Cherry rugose mosaic (Virus)
Identification tip: Foliar symptoms include leaf distortion, yellow mottling, and brown spots or patches.

Cherry stem pitting
Cherry stem pitting (Unknown)
Identification tip: Foliage on trees is sparse, and leaves are smaller than normal.

Prunus stem pitting
Prunus stem pitting (Virus)
Identification tip: Foliage appears pale green or yellowish in early summer; in late summer it may prematurely develop reddish or purple fall coloration.

No photo available.

Yellow bud mosaic (Virus)
Identification tip: Affected leaves have an elmlike appearance with prominent, whitish veins at right angles to the midrib. Leaflike growth (enations) develop along the midrib on the underside of leaves.

Prune dwarf
Prune dwarf (Virus)
Identification tip: Leaves are narrower than normal and have a rough texture.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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