Dry Beans

Pests and their Damage to Seedlings—Stand Establishment

On this page
  • Seedcorn maggot
  • Symphylans
  • Wireworms
  • Pythium spp.
  • Gophers
  • Rhizoctonia solani
  • Thielaviopsis basicola
  • Pythium spp.
  • Charcoal rot
  • Seedcorn maggot
  • Cowpea aphid
  • Cucumber beetle
  • Cowpea aphid
  • Leafminer
  • Thrips
  • Darkling beetles
  • Rabbits
  • Cutworm
  • Gophers
  • Sunscald
  • Herbicide damage

Blank spots in rows
Seedling collapse
Leaf damage

Stunted seedlings
Eaten or cut off
Atypical color

Use the photos below to identify damage to seedlings. Names link to more on identification and management.

Click on photos to enlarge
Blank spots in rows—seedlings completely removed, failed to emerge or slow emergence; poor stand establishment

Seedcorn maggot
Seedcorn maggot damage
Identification tip: Seedling severely damaged before it emerges by seedcorn maggot chewing.

Symphylans damage seedlings
Identification tip: Slender, white arthropods, closely related to insects, about 1/3 inch, with 10 to 12 appendages and distinct antennae; may damage seedlings before or after emergence and may slow growth of larger plants.

Identification tip: A wireworm was found feeding inside the stunted dry bean seedling on the right.

Pythium spp. preemergence rot
Identification tip: Bean seeds rotting from Pythium rot infection.

Gopher damage
Identification tip: Crescent-shaped mound and plugged burrow opening of a pocket gopher, Thomomys sp.


Seedling collapse soon after emergence

Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia solani infected seedlings
Identification tip: Infected bean seedlings (center) collapse.

Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia solani infected seedling
Identification tip: Sharp-edged oval to elliptical reddish brown lesions on base of developing stem.

Thielaviopsis basicola infection
Thielaviopsis basicola infected seedling
Identification tip: Blackeye bean seedling collapse.

Pythium spp.
Pythium spp. infected seedling
Identification tip: Water soaked lesions on base of developing stem.

Charcoal rot
Charcoal Rot infected young plant
Identification tip: Infected roots brown to black.

Identification tip: Shiny, slender, cylindrical, yellow-to-brown, wirelike larvae (of click beetles) found in soil.

Symphylans damage seedlings
Identification tip: Slender, white arthropods, closely related to insects, about 1/3 inch, with 10 to 12 appendages and distinct antennae; may damage seedlings before or after emergence and may slow growth of larger plants.
Seedcorn maggot
Seedcorn maggot damage
Identification tip: Seedlings with feeding damage to root and seed, with maggot on seed (right).
Leaf damage

Cucumber beetle
Cucumber beetle adult and damage
Identification tip: Adults chew holes in leaves, skeletonizing them.

Cowpea aphid
Cowpea aphid damage
Identification tip: Feeding causes bean leaf curling. (Cowpea aphids in photo are rare color variant, they are usually shiny black.)

Leafminer larva and damage
Identification tip: Yellow larva (center) was removed from the inside of the leaf where it was feeding; it is blunt at rear, and pointed in front; feeding causes threadlike twisting lines in leaf.

Thrips damage
Thrips damage
Identification tip: Plants look ragged; distorted leaves turn brownish around edges and cup upward.
Stunted seedlings

Aphid damage
Aphid damage
Identification tip: Feeding stunts plants.

Identification tip: Seedlings have little or no growth above the primary (first) leaves as a result of death or damage of the growing point


Seedling leaves, roots, or stem eaten off; seedling cut off, at, or below soil line

Darkling beetles damage, Lima bean seedling with stem and leaves chewed or torn off.
Darkling beetles
Identification tip: spotty infestations; young plants girdled or cut off at or below the soil surface.

Rabbits damage
Identification tip: Leaves and stem parts chewed off; rabbit droppings next to damaged plant.

Cutworm damage
Cutworm damage
Identification tip: Seedlings (right) clipped off just above soil line.

Gopher mound
Gopher mound
Identification tip: Characteristic crescent-shaped mound and plugged burrow opening.

Identification tip: Shiny, slender, cylindrical, yellow-to-brown, wirelike larvae (of click beetles) found in soil.

Seedcorn maggot
Seedcorn maggot damage
Identification tip: Seedlings with feeding damage to root and seed, with maggot on seed (right).
Atypical color

Identification tip: Dry brown patches on leaves.

Herbicide damage
Herbicide damage
Identification tip: Kidney bean seedling (left) with chlorotic and cupped leaves caused by oxyfluorfen herbicide.


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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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