A plowlike steam rake (top view left, side view right) can be used to pasteurize field soil with heat. Steam can be generated from a central location and piped to the rake, which is drawn across the field by a cable and winch. Alternatively a portable steam generator can be mounted on a truck or plow, which tows the rake. A moisture-proof cover is dragged slowly behind the plow at about 20 inches per minute so that soil stays covered and retains heat for 30 minutes after treatment. Credit: L.H. Davis In Baker KF, Roistacher CN 1957. In The U.C. System For Producing Healthy Container-grown Plants Through The Use Of Clean Soil, Clean Stock, And Sanitation. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Sci. Agric. Exp. Sta. Manual 23. Adapted by UC IPM