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2004UC IPM on the World Wide Web

Pest Management Guidelines enhanced

Several enhancements to the PMGs make them even more valuable for pest management decision making.

Year-round programs

Seasonal calendar of IPM activities for almondsYear-round IPM programs, seasonal calendars of IPM activities for specific crops, have been added for prunes, almonds, and cotton, with plums, wine grapes, alfalfa, avocado, and other crops to follow. These plans give growers an integrated view of managing pests in their crops throughout the year and include detailed monitoring instructions and forms, pest and natural enemy photo identification pages, and considerations for reducing impact on water quality.

Find the year-round plans under the agriculture and floriculture section of the Web site. Theyâre included under the specific crop.

UC IPM WaterTox

Water tox information for almond peach twig borerThis addition to the UC IPM Web site compares pesticide impacts on water quality. Tables let readers readily compare risks to water quality among all the pesticides recommended in a UC IPM Pest Management Guideline for a specific crop and pest.

The new database provides information on environmental risk of pesticides. Use it to evaluate potential for pesticides to move with water and eroded soil or organic matter, and to affect nontarget organisms. It can help farmers consider the risks of leaching and runoff in making pest management decisions, particularly pesticide choice.

From a guideline, click on the ãcompare treatmentsä button to see the display.

The potential risk of leaching and runoff may be affected by the amount of pesticide used, the area covered, and how much pesticide comes in contact with the soil. The program takes a userâs input about these factors to adjust the risk ratings given by the program.

The program is a partial implementation of the Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WINPST) developed by USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service. All data come from their Pesticide Properties Database. The program includes WIN-PSTâs rating adjustments for application area, rate, and method.

An interactive version, which displays risks for a single pesticide selected by the user, is also available on the Web site.

UC IPM on the World Wide Web

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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