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Annual Reports

2004Letter from the Director

IPM Continues Impressive Work Despite Budget Challenge

Rick Roush, director of the UC Statewide IPM Program

2004 Annual Report

Largely as a result of last year?s 30 percent budget cut, this has been another tough year for the Statewide IPM Program, with several highly valued staff in Davis leaving due to retirements and funding cuts. However, in a great tribute to the determination and professionalism of the IPM staff, this has also been another year of outstanding creativity, productivity and accomplishment.

Growers are being increasingly squeezed by regulatory pressure on issues of air and water quality related to pest management practices. For example, a lawsuit was filed against the state in May over the contributions of pesticides to smog. In many cases, tools such as pheromones, microbial pesticides, other biological pesticides, parasite release, or modified cultural practices are available to address these problems; but growers need guidance to successfully use these methods, which often require more precise monitoring, application timing, and integration. The UC IPM Program has intensified its efforts to help growers implement new practices and reduce environmental impacts.

Staff in Davis and IPM advisors in the counties have worked intensively this year with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the USDA, in support of its new pest management initiatives. The NRCS invests about $45 million per year with growers in California for conservation purposes, so this is an excellent opportunity to reduce the use of higher risk pesticides.

Supported by funds from NRCS, we have developed year-round IPM plans that show key practices for reducing pesticide risks to the environment, organized and integrated seasonally. In addition, our Web site includes a new database that compares the potential water quality risks of the pesticides recommended in the UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines.

Praise for the year-round IPM plans and water quality database has been pouring in. Almond growers using these practices have reduced dormant season applications, which are the most troublesome for water quality, by 77 percent.

Although our state funds have been sharply cut, the USDA-funded program on Exotic Pests and Diseases was renewed for $1.7 million and is funding research on insects, weeds, and diseases in terrestrial and marine natural ecosystems, agriculture and urban environments, and in risk assessment to help prevent the establishment of new pests that are not native to California. Urban pest management more broadly continues to be a key focus of the UC IPM Program, with new tools being developed for management of ants and weeds.

One major change this year has been the relocation of pesticide safety training from the IPM Program to the UC Davis Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety. Pat O?Connor-Marer retired in September after serving 17 years as director of the Pesticide Safety Education Program. With the loss of Pat?s irreplaceable expertise, and expiration of grant funding for the other staff in the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP), it was unfortunately not sustainable to maintain PSEP within the IPM Program. During Pat?s tenure, UC IPM gained a national reputation for its pesticide safety educational materials and hands-on training programs.

Despite the challenges, the IPM Program will continue to try to expand research and education for IPM, and improve coordination of the pest management activities of all agencies in California.

— Rick Roush

UC IPM logoAbout the UC IPM Program

The University of California Statewide IPM Program was established in 1979 to develop and promote the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs in California. It sponsors activities throughout California

  • at University of California campuses in Berkeley, Davis, and Riverside;
  • at UC's research and extension stations including Kearney Agricultural Center in Parlier;
  • through IPM advisors located in the Sacramento Valley, North Coast, San Joaquin Valley, South Central Coast, and South Coast;
  • in the field throughout the state in cooperation with local UC Cooperative Extension county offices.

Mission of the UC IPM Program

A review of the mission early in 2004 brought minor changes to the long-standing mission.

UC IPM Revised Mission:

To serve the people of California by:
  • Reducing the pesticide risk to the environment and protecting human health
  • Increasing the predictability and effectiveness of pest management techniques
  • Developing pest management programs that are economically and environmentally sustainable, and socially appropriate
  • Providing leadership for IPM and building coalitions and partnerships that link with communities and public agencies
  • Increasing utilization of biological and ecologically based pest management programs

Mission Reviewed

With a new director and significant budget cuts, the program is taking this opportunity to review its purpose and goals and do some planning. At a January meeting, program IPM advisors and managers carefully reviewed UC IPM's mission statement. The existing statement has served the program well for 24 years, and after careful study, staff found little to change.

One important change was adding a benefit to human health to our statement. Another addition was the idea of developing programs that are not only economically, environmentally, and socially acceptable, but also ones that are sustainable. Finally, the team added that the program would provide leadership in IPM, something that has been true, but which wasn?t included before.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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