Annual Report
UC Statewide IPM Program
Resource Roundup
New resources and updates from UC IPM in the past year include:
Pest management information and tools
- Pest Management Guidelines—updated 16 crops and added Eggplant (online)
- Exotic pest provisional guidelines—added three (Asian Citrus Psyllid, Spotted Wing Drosophila, and Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnuts) (online)
- Pest Notes—revised 19 titles and added five (Asian Citrus Psyllid, Birds on Tree Fruits and Vines, Catchweed Bedstraw, False Chinch Bug, and Sudden Oak Death) (online)
- Quick Tips in English—revised eight titles and added four (Beneficial Predators, Common Garden Spiders, Less Toxic Insecticides, and Weed Control Using Herbicides) (print and online)
- Quick Tips in Spanish—revised four titles and added two (Escarabajo descortezador [Bark Beetles] and Muérdago [Mistletoe]) (print and online)
- 2010 Efficacy and Timing of Fungicides, Bactericides, and Biologicals for Deciduous Tree Fruit, Nut, Strawberry, and Vine Crops (online)
- Natural Enemies Gallery—added Spiders (online)
- Spotted wing drosophila identification key (online)
- Tomato spotted wilt virus brochure (print and online)
- Fire blight risk assessment tool (online)
Training materials
- UC IPM Green Bulletin newsletter for applicators—five issues (online)
- Maintenance Gardener Pest Control Exam Preparation kit (online)
- Training modules for pest management professionals (online)
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