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2010 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

150 pest note

150th Pest Note released


  1. Rats
  2. Aphids
  3. Carpet Beetles
  4. Ants
  5. Mushrooms and Other Nuisance Fungi in Lawns
  6. Snails and Slugs
  7. Cockroaches
  8. Pocket Gophers
  9. Voles (Meadow Mice)
  10. Brown Recluse and Other Recluse Spiders

UC IPM released Pest Notes: Birds on Tree Fruits and Vines in September, making it the 150th title in the Pest Notes series. UC Staff Research Associate Denise Stetson and UC IPM Advisor Roger Baldwin co-authored the publication.

Pest Notes form the core content of the home and garden section of the UC IPM Web site, with at least 10 titles each receiving more than 40,000 views annually.

UC IPM Pest Notes are written and peer reviewed by UC scientists for home gardeners, landscape professionals, and the general public. Pest Notes give Californians the most comprehensive and reliable database of home, garden, and landscape IPM publications of any state in the country.

UC Master Gardeners and others in county UC Cooperative Extension offices see Pest Notes as essential for answering questions from the general public.

“We literally could not do our job at the information desk without Pest Notes,” said Sonoma County Master Gardener Alison Ogden. “From sending copies to clients, to researching questions, to improving our own knowledge, UC IPM Pest Notes are the most clearly written and concise major resource of scientific-based IPM information for the public and for Master Gardeners. Hooray for Pest Notes!”

UC IPM posts Pest Notes online, but the documents also are available in PDF format for easy printing. Since 2009, PDFs of new Pest Notes have been designed with color photographs.

Other new Pest Notes released in 2010 were Sudden Oak Death, False Chinch Bug, Catchweed Bedstraw, and Asian Citrus Psyllid, and UC ANR authors revised 19 existing Pest Notes.

Next article >> New tools promote beneficial insects to home gardeners

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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