2009 Annual Report
UC Statewide IPM Program
Resource roundup
New resources and updates from UC IPM in the past year are:
- Landscape Pest Identification Cards (print)
- New subscription notification service (RSS)
- Pest Management Guidelines—updated 42 crops and five crop/year-round
programs (online)
- Pest Notes—revised 23 titles and added four (Bats, Black
Widow and Other Widow Spiders, Brooms, and Palm Diseases
in the Landscape) (online)
- 2009 Efficacy and Timing of Fungicides, Bactericides, and Biologicals
for Deciduous Tree Fruit, Nut, Strawberry, and Vine Crops (PDF
and online)
- Pests in Gardens and Landscapes: Ornamental Trees and Shrubs—added
110 plant species (online)
- Quick Tips—added seven titles (Bark Beetles, Bed
Bugs, Landscape Design & Water Quality, Landscape
Plants: Fertilizing & Watering, Lawn Fertilizing, Lawn
Watering, and Mistletoe) and translated 10 into Spanish
(Bed Bugs, Landscape Design and Water Quality, Landscape
Plants: Fertilizing and Watering, Lawn Fertilizing, Lawn
Watering, Mosquitoes, Peach Leaf Curl, Powdery
Mildew, Spider Mites, and Thrips) (print and online)
- Training course—Moving Beyond Pesticides: Environmentally
Safe Tools for Use in an IPM Program for Retail Employees (online)
- Updated guidelines for Spotted Wing Drosophila (online)
- Training materials—Lawn and Residential Landscape Pest Control:
A Guide for Maintenance Gardeners study guide, workbook, and
presentations in English and Spanish (print and online)
- Field Fumigation, volume nine in the Pesticide Application
Compendium (print)
Joyce Strand, Associate Director of Communications,
UC Statewide IPM Program
(530) 752-8350
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