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2009 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

Master Gardeners learn how to identify pests during the Advanced IPM workshop in Cupertino.
Master Gardeners learn how to identify pests during the Advanced IPM workshop in Cupertino.
Photo by Cheryl Reynolds.

UC Master Gardeners enhance IPM outreach

UC IPM and Statewide Master Gardener Program personnel teamed up in 2009 to offer four one-day, regional advanced IPM workshops to UC Master Gardener volunteers throughout the state. Each session featured hands-on activities and covered topics including pest identification, Argentine ant management, sustainable gardening practices, and how to use UC IPM’s Web site to solve pest problems.

Workshops were held in Cupertino, Davis, Fresno, and Riverside with 278 Master Gardeners participating from 37 counties. Attendees, through pre- and post-surveys, demonstrated increased knowledge especially in the areas of effective ant bait use and how to use UC IPM’s Web site. Each participant committed to actively extend the information they learned to local Master Gardeners and the general public using the lesson plans, hands-on activities, posters, and other materials provided.


Mary Lou Flint, Associate Director for Urban and Community IPM, UC Statewide IPM Program
(530) 752-7692

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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