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IPM 25th2005 Annual Report

UC Statewide IPM Program

UC IPM Makes It Happen

Healthy garden healthy homeIPM advisor promotes IPM practices in San Diego

Many homeowners use too much pesticide and fertilizer that can end up in our lakes, beaches, and bays when it rains or when they overwater. To generate awareness about this issue, Project Clean Water (www.projectcleanwater.org) was created in July 2000 and offers people in the San Diego region a broad forum to explore water quality issues.

The project is comprised of a policy advisory committee with technical advisory committees for education, watershed protection, and legislation and regulation.

UC IPM Advisor Cheryl Wilen is working with the Healthy Garden—Healthy Home component of the project to educate San Diego County residents about how to improve their water resources.

As part of this effort, a team of 25 UCCE San Diego County master gardeners has undergone extensive IPM training to provide outreach to the San Diego community. Master gardeners offer IPM workshops on such topics as irrigation, lawn management, and plant selection. They also staff a master gardener hotline to answer home gardening and pest management questions. Other components of this project include training of retail nursery staff and participation in community events.
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Storm drainPesticide use trends and educational strategies for urban pest managers

Pesticide contamination of urban creeks, estuaries, and other waterways is an increasing concern in California. A recently released report by UC IPM scientists Cheryl Wilen and Mary Louise Flint, along with IPM graduate student Nila Kreidich, looks at pesticide use trends and educational opportunities for professionals who apply pesticides in urban areas and may contribute to environmental problems. The study complements earlier studies by Wilen and Flint that investigated pesticide use and attitudes among California residents.

The study, funded by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), took a comprehensive look at user groups in three California counties: Orange, Sacramento, and San Diego. Groups studied included licensed professional applicators, who must report pesticide use to DPR through its use reporting system, as well as several other groups ranging from school employees, employees of private businesses, and unlicensed gardeners, whose use of pesticides is not well documented.

Investigators found significant differences between pesticide use in northern and southern California and also identified shifts in types of chemicals used in recent years. Educational opportunities varied among user groups. While licensed professionals have substantial educational resources available, unlicensed users of pesticides are difficult to reach. Outreach strategies recommended include consumer education, innovative educational materials, adoption of IPM policies, point-of-purchase education, and IPM certification programs.
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Next article >> IPM advisor coordinates worker protection training

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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