How to Manage Pests
California Weather Database: Description
To retrieve information from the database, you must specify the station,
the kind of information you wish to retrieve, the range of dates, the
variables to be retrieved, the output format, and the data units.
NOTE: Are you retrieving data regularly, perhaps as often as
daily or weekly? See the special note below on reusing
these specifications.
To select a station and make the other required specifications,
- First select a county or a network from the pull-down lists,
or enter a station name in the station box, then click on the
Submit button. If you are looking for current data, be sure "active
stations only" is checked so that you will be presented with lists that
contain only stations that are currently reporting. If the box is not
checked, the lists will show all stations in the county or network,
including those that no longer report. Under "station," the List option
will display a list of stations in alphabetical order, and you may select
a station by clicking on its name. Use county and network maps to locate
the station within a county or network.
- Select a weather station and available information typedata,
averages, or description from the list of stations available
in the selected network or county. Click on the information type you
want for a specific station. The table lists the variables and
time period for which data are stored. In case your selected county
doesn't have the station you're looking for, tables of stations located
in surrounding counties are also shown. To see a daily summary for all
stations or a map, click on "Daily summary" or "Map" for "All stations,"
shown at the beginning of each list.
- If you choose Description, the station description for
the selected station will be displayed.
- If you choose Averages, you'll be asked for a date range
and report format for 30-year averages for the selected station.
- If you choose daily (or more frequent period) data, you'll
be asked to select a time period, or range of dates. From
the pull-down lists, indicate the first date (month, day and year)
you want to retrieve and the last date (month, day and year).
- On the same page, at Step 2, select the variables you want
included (default is "all variables") and the backups for missing
data. A table presents a list of the variables stored for the selected
station, and click on "more about these measurements" for additional
information about the measurements that may be helpful. In the table,
click on the box next to a variable name to mark it for retrieval. The
request for data will be filled first from the selected station, then
from the backup and long-term average stations, left to right. Your
request will be filled first using data from the selected station (shown
in the second column of the table).
Backup stations. Backup stations listed in the table are
nearby stations that can be used to fill in data gaps for specific
variables. Shown will be either a station name or "none recommended."
- When a station is listed, do nothing if you want it to supply
data for a particular variable if data from the selected station
is missing. If you do not want to include substitutes for missing
data, click on "change backups" or on "use no backups."
- If "none recommended" is shown, no station is considered to
be similar enough to the selected station to be used as a backup.
- Backup station 1 is used first to supply missing data; if
the data value for the date is also missing in Backup station
1, Backup station 2 will be used. Any data gaps will be filled
in from the backup stations if possible.
Long-term average station. If a data value for a date is
not available from the selected station or either of the backup
stations, the long-term average for the date will be used if a station
is recommended in the table.
- All stations have a recommended long-term average for daily
precipitation and air temperature, and some have a recommended
average for soil temperature or pan evaporation. However, no
averages are available for wind, relative humidity, wet- and
dry-bulb temperatures, reference evapotranspiration, or for
hourly or sub-hourly measurements of any variable.
- If you do not wish for long-term averages to be used to fill
in data gaps, click on "change backups" or on "use no backups."
"Forecasts" based on long-term averages can be included in
your retrieval if you specify a time period that includes dates
in the future.
- Select the output format and units. Values may stored as English
or metric units, and the data retrieved from the database can be supplied
as either. The data can be presented in several formats:
- Formatted report (for viewing or printing) includes information
about the selected station, provides the data in a table with column
headings, and indicates the source of any data that were supplied
by a backup or long-term average station.
- UC IPM data file format (for use with DDU, TRAP, and CALEX)
supplies a text file that can be used as input to the UC IPM programs
listed. An intermediate page will document the retrieval and indicate
the number of data values supplied by each of the selected and backup
stations. You will be able to save the file for use by one of the
- Comma-delimited data file (compressed format - with no
or few empty columns, for use with spreadsheets) displays a text
file of data, with values separated by commas. The file can be saved
to your disk and then imported into a spreadsheet program.
- Data files for spreadsheets (fixed-columns format, for
ready integration of data from different stations or retrievals)
displays a text file of data, with values separated by commas. The
file can be saved to your disk and then imported into a spreadsheet
program. Note, however, that there may be many blank columns reserved
for variables not reported by your selected station.
- Click on the RETRIEVE DATA button to complete the retrieval
and see the report.
Special note. Saving these specifications to
use them again without having to repeat every step is easy. Use the save
as (or equivalent) command in your browser and save the document as "source"
with a filename that ends in ".htm". To submit the file again, start your
browser, use the "Open file" (or equivalent) command, make any necessary
changes such as the time period, then click on the RETRIEVE DATA button.
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