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How to Manage PestsPesticides: About the WIN-PST Database
The USDA NRCS West National Technology Support Center, Water Quality and Quantity National Technology Development Team, developed and supports the Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WIN-PST). WIN-PST is a tool for screening environmental risk of pesticides that NRCS field office conservationists, extension agents, crop consultants, pesticide dealers, and producers can use to evaluate the potential for pesticides to move with water and eroded soil/organic matter and to affect nontargeted organisms. WIN-PST considers the impact of soil characteristics, irrigation/rainfall probability, and pesticide application area, method, and rate on the potential for pesticides to move off-site. WIN-PST users can specify pesticides by product name or active ingredient. Long-term human and fish toxicity data and ratings are also included in WIN-PST. These toxicity ratings can be combined with the off-site movement potential ratings to provide an overall rating of the potential risks from pesticide movement below the root zone and past the edge of the field.
The WIN-PST/NAPRA Pesticide Properties Database (PPD) forms the basis of WIN-PST. The database is composed of data from a variety of sources and contains EPA registration data (EPA REG DB), representative value pesticide property data (source indicated by the G/E field in the data tables), and toxicity data for humans and fish (from Stephen Plotkin's toxicity database). The WIN-PST/NAPRA PPD is maintained by Steve Plotkin and Eric Hesketh. WIN-PST and the Soil/Pesticide Interaction Procedure version 2 (SPISP II)WIN-PST is based on algorithms contained in Goss, D., and R. D. Wauchope. 1990. The SCS/ARS/CES Pesticide Properties Database: II, Using it with soils data in a screening procedure. In Proceedings of the Third National Research Conference On Pesticides, November 8-9, 1990, Richmond, Virginia. D. L. Weigmann, ed. Who maintains WIN-PST?WIN-PST is supported by the USDA NRCS West National Technology Support Center. The Water Quality and Quantity Technology Development Team contacts are the following:
Data provided in UC IPM's WaterTox are pulled from the PPD and adjusted using WIN-PST algorithms. Below are definitions and descriptions of the PPD and WIN-PST data fields shown in the WaterTox detailed table or closely related to them. The descriptions are from the file "glossary.txt" distributed as part of WIN-PST, with minor editorial revisions. The WaterTox detailed report is equivalent to the WIN-PST SPISP II Pesticide Active Ingredient Rating Report, with the addition of the PC_Code and a sample trade name.
Pesticide names: Active ingredients, products, and their codesActive Ingredient Common Name (AI_NAME)Common name associated with an active ingredient. Common name followed by "(ANSI)" indicates acceptance of name by American National Standards Institute. PC_CODEEPA active ingredient registration number (also known as Shaughnessy Code). EPA Product NamesA product is a commercially available formulation of one or more active ingredients mixed with adjuvants and inert ingredients. When a pesticide product is sold to the public, it must have an EPA registration number that appears on the product label. An EPA registration number may be associated with many different product names depending on the wholesaler or retailer. The EPA product database used in WIN-PST includes the original registration name for a given product. Since EPA allows manufacturers or dealers to change the name of the product associated with a particular formulation and add new names, some product names for currently registered products will not appear in WIN-PST. Ratings for these products are still available through the EPA registration number. All name differences can be ignored if the EPA registration numbers are identical. EPA REG DBEPA Registration Database. Updated monthly. This database can be accessed online. Chemical propertiespHIn general, pH is a numerical measure of acidity or hydrogen ion activity. pH < 7.0 is acidic. pH 7.0 is neutral. pH > 7.0 is alkaline (basic). In the WIN-PST PPD, pH represents the value at which the solubility in water, field half-life, and Koc (SOL, HL, Koc) are valid.
Solubility in Water (SOL)Solubility is the measure of an active ingredient's ability to dissolve in water at room temperature. It is expressed in mg/L (ppm) and is used to compute the pesticide ratings in SPISP II. Solubility is a fundamental physical property of a chemical and affects the ease of wash off and leaching through soil. In general, the higher the solubility value, the greater the likelihood for movement. Half-life (HL)Soil half-life of an active ingredient under field conditions, in days. Sometimes referred to as field dissipation half-life. Used to compute the pesticide ratings in SPISP II. Half-life is the time required for a pesticide to degrade to one-half of its previous concentration. Each successive elapsed half-life will decrease the pesticide concentration by half. For example, a period of two half-lives will reduce a pesticide concentration to one-fourth of the initial amount. Half-life can vary by a factor of three or more from reported values depending on soil moisture, soil pH, temperature, oxygen status, soil microbial population, and other factors. Additionally, resistance to degradation can change as the initial concentration of a chemical decreases. It may take longer to decrease the last one-fourth of a chemical to one-eighth than it took to decrease the initial concentration to one-half. In general, the longer the half-life, the greater the potential for pesticide movement. KocSoil organic carbon sorption coefficient of an active ingredient in mL/g. Used to compute the pesticide ratings in SPISP II. Pesticides vary in how tightly they are adsorbed to soil particles. Koc measures the affinity for pesticides to sorb to organic carbon. The higher the Koc value, the stronger the tendency to attach to and move with soil. Soil pH can affect the Koc of ionic and partially ionic pesticides. A pesticide with an anion as the active species would have a Koc set low to account for that pesticide's inability to sorb to soil particles. A cationic active species would tend to bind strongly with soil and therefore have a relatively high Koc. Pesticide Koc values greater than 1,000 indicate strong adsorption to soil. Pesticides with lower Koc values (less than 500) tend to move more with water than adsorbed to sediment. Soil propertiesSTSSAID (State Soil Survey Area ID)STSSAID is a concatenation of the federal (FIPS) alpha code for a state and the soil survey area symbol. MUSYM (Mapunit Symbol)MUSYM is used to identify the soil mapunit on the soil map. Soil-related conditions that affect ratingsSlope of the field. If the field slope is greater than 15%, then pesticide is more likely to move off-site. The rating for soil sensitivity to pesticide loss (SARP) is increased by one class. Macropores. Surface-connected holes or cracks that extend deeper than 24 inches into the soil. Where macropores are present, pesticides are more likely to move below the target zone. Water table. A high water table occurs when the apparent water table comes withing 24 inches of the surface during the growing season. Presence of a high water table increases soil leaching potential to high, regardless of other conditions. Site conditionsProbability of rainfall/irrigationThe probability of rainfall or irrigation within 7 to 14 days of a pesticide application (high or low) affects the ILP, ISRP, IARP. ToxicityHuman ToxicityLong-term human toxicity of an active ingredient in parts per billion (ppb). Toxicities are based on availability in the following priority order (see below for definitions): MCL, HA, HA*, and CHCL*.
Toxicity Information Type: HA—Health Advisory, determined by EPA's Office of Water. The concentration of a chemical in drinking water that is not expected to cause any adverse noncarcinogenic effects over a lifetime exposure with a margin of safety. HA is compared to the PLP or PSRP for humans. HA*—Health Advisory calculated using the EPA method for calculating HA based on Reference Dose (RFD). RFD values are from the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), EPA, or World Health Organization (WHO).
In accordance with OW policy, Health Advisories are not calculated for chemicals that are known or probably human carcinogens (EPA Cancer Class A and B). CHCL*—Chronic Human Carcinogen Level, calculated. The concentration at which there is a 1 in 100,000 probability of contracting cancer; calculated by using the EPA algorithm based on QSTAR from animal studies. A CHCL provides a concentration comparable to an MCL. Algorithm:
Reference: "Drinking Water Health Advisory: Pesticides" United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Drinking Water Health Advisories Lewis Publishers Pages viii – xiii, 1994 Fish ToxicityFish toxicity for an active ingredient in parts per billion (ppb). MATC*—Maximum AcceptableToxicant Concentration in ppb. MATC* is the long-term toxicity value for fish. The MATC* for an active ingredient can be determined empirically by performing long-term or early life-stage toxicity tests. These test results produce the No Observable Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Lowest Observable Toxicant Concentration (LOEC).
The MATC* for an active ingredient is used in several ways in WIN-PST:
STV—Sediment Toxicity Value.STV = Koc * MATC*. Compared to the PARP when the species of concern are fish. STV provides toxicity of pesticide sorbed to detached soil leaving the field. Koc is used in STV determination to estimate pesticide concentration in sediment pore water. Fish MATC is used in lieu of toxicity data to sediment-dwelling animals for which test data are rare. STV thresholds ratings are the same as those used for MATC evaluation. The method for sediment short-term toxicity of nonionic pesticides (Di Torro et al., 1991), was modified to determine long-term toxicity. STV is also used to evaluate ionic pesticides which account for 25% of pesticides. This is achieved by use of an adjusted Koc in the NAPRA PPD, which accounts for pesticide ionic properties. Reference: Di Torro, D. M., C. S. Zarba, D. J. Hansen, W. J. Berry, R. C. Swartz, C. E. Cowan, S. P. Pavlou, H. E. Allen, N. A. Thomas, P. R. Paquin. 1991. "Technical Basis for Establishing Sediment Quality Criteria for Nonionic Organic Chemicals Using Equilibrium Partitioning." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 10: 1541-1583. Exposure Adjusted Toxicity Ratings (Called Potential Hazard in UC IPM's WaterTox)Water, for humansDetermines the soluble pesticide toxicity level for humans. The long-term human toxicity based on MCL, HA, HA* or CHCL*. Used to determine relative hazard. These ratings combined with the I-Ratings in the Interaction Exposure Adjusted Toxicity Matrix evaluate the relative risk to the environment of a pesticide active ingredient. UC IPM's program always uses a high (H) S-Rating in determining the exposure adjusted toxicity ratings for its default display. When a user specifies a soil type, the display is based on ratings for that soil. Ratings reported in WIN-PST: Water, based on MATC*, for fishSoluble pesticide toxicity level for fish. Used to determine relative hazard. These ratings combined with the I-Ratings in the Interaction Exposure Adjusted Toxicity Matrix evaluate the relative risk to the environment of a pesticide active ingredient. UC IPM's program always uses a high (H) S-Rating in determining the exposure adjusted toxicity ratings for its default display. When a user specifies a soil type, the display is based on ratings for that soil. Ratings reported in WIN-PST: Sediment, based on STV, for fishPesticide adsorbed to sediment toxicity level for fish. Used to determine relative hazard. These ratings combined with the I-Ratings in the Interaction Exposure Adjusted Toxicity Matrix evaluate the relative risk to the environment of a pesticide active ingredient. UC IPM's program always uses a high (H) S-Rating in determining the exposure adjusted toxicity ratings for its default display. When a user specifies a soil type, the display is based on ratings for that soil. Ratings reported in WIN-PST: SPISP II P-ratings (Pesticide ratings)The ratings are derived from the Soil Pesticide Interaction Procedure version 2 (SPISP II) (Goss and Wauchope, 1990), adjusted for management (application area, rate, or method). Pesticide Adsorbed Runoff Potential (PARP)PARP indicates the tendency of a pesticide to move in surface runoff attached to soil particles. A low rating indicates minimal potential for pesticide movement adsorbed to sediment, and no mitigation is required. PARP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, then the resulting rating is adjusted for management. Management: Pesticide Leaching Potential (PLP)PLP indicates the tendency of a pesticide to move in solution with water and leach below the root zone. A low rating indicates minimal movement and no need for mitigation. PLP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, then the resulting rating is adjusted for management. Management: Pesticide Solution Runoff Potential (PSRP)PSRP indicates the tendency of a pesticide to move in surface runoff in the solution phase. A high rating indicates the greatest potential for pesticide loss in solution runoff. PSRP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, then the resulting rating is adjusted for management. Management: Rating adjustmentsRatings on the reports are not necessarily SPISP II ratings. These ratings may have been adjusted for management and site characteristics. WIN-PST allows the user to select one of the management techniques listed below from each group. The adjusted ratings are then used to compute the final ratings shown in reports. Site conditions and management techniques, and their abbreviations
Management adjustments to risk ratingsPesticide application area
Application method
Application rate
Management actions, when applied to the SPISP II pesticide leaching potential, pesticide solution runoff potential, and pesticide adsorbed runoff potential, adjust ratings according to the following rules:
Legend: (none): No effect. -1: Decrease rating by 1 class. (Decreased Loss Potential) -2: Decrease rating by 2 classes. (Decreased Loss Potential) WIN-PST evaluates the cumulative effect of these conditions on the ratings as follows: 1. All of the conditions for a given loss category are assessed collectively. Each condition contributes an incremental (+ —increased sensitivity / risk) or decremental (- —decreased sensitivity / risk) effect on the ratings. The sum of all of these conditions is used in step 2, below. 2a. If the sum of all of the conditions is negative, the rating is reduced by one class. If the sum of all the conditions is positive, the rating is increased by one class. Thus, two or more incremental or decremental conditions only change the original SPISP II rating by one class, except as shown in 2b, below. 2b. Exceptions:
Reference "The SCS/ARS/CES Pesticide Properties Database: II, Using it with soils data in a screening procedure." Don Goss and R. Don Wauchope. In Pesticides in the Next Decade: The Challenges Ahead, Proceedings of the Third National Research Conference On Pesticides, November 8-9, 1990. Diana L. Weigmann, Editor, Virginia Water Resources Research Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. Pg. 471-487. SPISP II S-ratings (Soil vulnerability ratings)Soil Leaching Potential (SLP)SLP is the sensitivity of a specific soil to pesticide leaching below the rootzone. SLP characterizes those soil properties that would increase or decrease the tendency of a pesticide to move in solution with water and leach below the root zone. A high rating indicates the greatest potential for leaching. SLP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, then the resulting rating is adjusted for site conditions. Macropores: +1 rating class Soil Solution Runoff Potential (SSRP)SSRP is the sensitivity of a given soil to pesticide loss dissolved in surface runoff that leaves the edge of the field. A high rating indicates the greatest potential for solution surface loss. SSRP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, but no site condition adjustments apply. Soil Adsorbed Runoff Potential (SARP)SARP represents the sensitivity of a soil to loss of pesticide adsorbed to sediment and organic matter that leaves the edge of the field. SARP characterizes those soil properties that would increase or decrease the tendency of a pesticide to move in surface runoff attached to soil particles. A high rating indicates the greatest potential for sediment/pesticide transport. SARP is calculated according to a WIN-PST algorithm, then the resulting rating is adjusted for site conditions. Field slope > 15%: +1 rating classSPISP II I-ratings (Soil/pesticide loss interaction ratings)Soil/pesticide interaction ratings (ILP, ISRP, and IARP) result from the PLP, PSRP and PARP pesticide ratings are combined with SLP, SSRP and SARP soil ratings in a Soil/Pesticide Interaction Matrix that results in ILP, ISRP and IARP Soil/Pesticide Interaction ratings. The interaction ratings provide a relative potential for pesticide loss for each soil/pesticide combination. Soil/Pesticide Interaction Leaching Potential (ILP)ILP ratings indicate the potential for pesticides to leach below the root zone. ILP is computed from the PLP and SLP according to the matrix below, then adjusted for rainfall and/or irrigation. PLP SLP | High Intermediate Low Very Low -------------|---------------------------------------------------- High | High High Intermediate Low Intermediate | High Intermediate Low Very Low Low | Intermediate Low Low Very Low Very Low | Low Low Very Low Very Low Adjustments to matrix-derived rating: Low rainfall, no irrigation: -1 Soil/Pesticide Interaction Solution Runoff Potential (ISRP)ISRP ratings indicate the potential for pesticides to move beyond the edge of the field when they are dissolved in solution runoff. ISRP is computed from the PSRP and SSRP according to the matrix below, then adjusted for rainfall and/or irrigation. PSRP SSRP | High Intermediate Low -------------|------------------------------------------- High | High High Intermediate Intermediate | High Intermediate Low Low | Intermediate Low Low Adjustments to matrix-derived rating: Low rainfall, no irrigation: -1 Soil/Pesticide Interaction Adsorbed Runoff Potential (IARP)IARP ratings indicate the potential for pesticides to move beyond the edge of the field adsorbed to sediment and organic matter that is suspended in runoff water. IARP is computed from the PARP and SARP according to the matrix below, then adjusted for rainfall and/or irrigation. PARP SARP |High Intermediate Low -------------|---------------------------------------- High |High High Intermediate Intermediate |High Intermediate Low Low |Intermediate Low Low Adjustments to matrix-derived rating: Low rainfall, no irrigation: -1 |