| Qualities
Creeping bentgrass is a cool-season
specialty grass primarily used for golf course putting greens, lawn
bowling greens, and lawn tennis facilities. The skill and expense
needed to maintain this species usually eliminates it as a possible
home lawn turf. It is adapted to cool, humid regions and prefers sunny
areas but will tolerate some shade. It tolerates low temperatures
but will discolor early in the fall.
A very fine-textured bright green
grass. The leaves are flat, narrow, and rolled in the bud. There are
no auricles and a long, tapered ligule is present. Creeping bentgrass
is a low-growing grass with a shallow root system. It spreads by stolons
to form a mat or thatch layer above the soil line.
High maintenance. Creeping bentgrass
requires frequent watering, mowing, aerating, and dethatching, and high
levels of fertilizer. |