Photo by R. Michael Davis

Photo by R. Michael Davis

Photo by R. Michael Davis

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All turfgrass species
Various types of mushrooms or other reproductive structures can
appear in the lawn. Most do not damage grass but can be an indicator
of overirrigation or excess thatch. Fairy
ring mushrooms are associated with damage to turfgrass.
Mushrooms in new sod: Mushrooms, such as Panaeolus foenisecii, often
appear in sod soon after it is laid. Their growth is stimulated by
the light frequent watering new lawns require. They will disappear
when irrigation frequency is reduced.
Dog vomit fungus and other slime molds: Slime molds form
a gooey mass that may look like vomit on the lawn surface.
Inky caps: The caps of these mushrooms decompose into dark
liquid resembling ink.
Stinkhorns: Stinkhorns resemble a giant finger. The tip of
the stalk is covered with spores in a smelly, gooey slime that attracts
flies and other insects.
Puffballs: Puffballs are usually an inch or less in size
and creamy white when young. When mature, the puffball releases thousands
of dark-colored spores.
Birds nests: Birds nest fungi produce fruiting
bodies that resemble tiny nests with eggs. These egg-like structures
contain spores.
Conditions favoring disease
Mushrooms found in lawns often develop from buried scraps of wood,
dead tree roots, or other organic matter. Fungi generally survive
in the soil for years and produce mushrooms or other fruiting structures
only when conditions are favorable, such as after periods of prolonged
wet weather. Overirrigation and poor soil drainage can also contribute
to the development of mushrooms.
Prevention and management
Nuisance fungi are mostly beneficial because they decompose organic
matter in the soil, making nutrients available to other plants. The
mushrooms they produce are generally harmless to grasses but are
unsightly and often poisonous. Remove mushrooms growing from buried
wood or roots by picking them as they appear. Remove excess thatch and aerate the
soil to improve water penetration. Follow recommended
fertilizer and irrigation
rates for your turf species.
For more information on mushrooms in lawns, refer to:
Pest Notes: Mushrooms
and Other Nuisance Fungi in Lawns |