If you mow your lawn at the right frequency, cut at the proper height
for your species, and remove no more than one-third of the leaf blade
each time you mow, you can let your grass clippings remain on the lawn.
Grasscycling, as this process is called, may also be done with a recycling
(mulching) mower, which cuts the clippings into small pieces and returns
them to the lawn where they decompose quickly, return nutrients to the
lawn, and save costs for bagging, removal, and landfill operations.
Grasscycling will only be beneficial if you are removing small clippings
at a time, so proper mowing and equipment is essential. Grasscycling may
slightly increase thatch buildup, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages
in most situations. Grasscycling should not be done when the grass is
too wet or when it has not been regularly mowed and is too tall. This
could lead to excessive build up of thatch.

Photo by Cheryl Reynolds
