How to Manage PestsIdentification: Key to Aphids Commonly Found in San Joaquin Valley Alfalfa and Cotton
Additional readingFind more information and keys to aphids in the following books: Blackman, R. L., and V. F. Eastop. 1984. Aphids on the worlds crops. An identification guide. Wiley. New York. Keys to aphids, based on the host plant. Highly recommended, but expensive. Chaney, W. E., and M. A. Lee. 1992. Common aphid pests on vegetable crops in the Salinas valley. University of California, Monterey County Cooperative Extension Service, Salinas, California. Keys to common vegetable aphids. Excellent keys that work equally well for the San Joaquin Valley. Highly recommended. Available for $5.00 from UC Cooperative Extension, Monterey Co., 1432 Abbot Street, Salinas, CA 93901. Phone (831) 759-7350. |