Trim branches away from buildings
Make your house less attractive
to ants
- Caulk cracks and crevices around foundations that provide
entry from outside.
- Trim branches and limbs of trees and shrubs that touch
the building to keep ants from gaining access via these
- Eliminate food sources inside the building or prevent
access to suitable food by keeping it in ant-proof containers.
- Clean up sugary spills.
- Provide a dry, vegetation-free border, such as gravel
or stones, around the perimeter of house foundations to
discourage nest building; wood chip mulches and landscape
plants provide a good nesting environment.
- Manage honeydew-producing insects such as aphids, whiteflies,
psyllids, and soft scales on plants near the house. These
honeydew producers often support large colonies of ants
that subsequently invade homes.
- Remove trees that consistently host ants and are adjacent
to houses.